Romeo & Juliet 2006


Directed by ALEXA KELLY


“Alexa Kelly’s boldly conceived adaptation of the famous tragedy puts the servants in basketball jerseys and substitutes dance-offs for duels. …With John G. Williams as a charmingly spacey Romeo and Li Jun Li as a curiously exotic Juliet”
Thu-Sun, 8pm (through Aug 27)

Reviewed for OnOFFOFF By: Fred McKinnon
“From the on start, this production of the classic tragedy seeks to reflect an urban atmosphere. …The words, faithfully and meaningfully delivered by the entire ensemble, are Shakespeare’s; nevertheless, a good deal of the accompanying body language, choreography and fight sequences belongs to the 21st century inner-city….”Romeo and Juliet,” being presented just a short walk from the 137th Broadway train station, is an almost not-to-be-missed Big Apple experience that can be savored until August 27th.”